
更新时间:2023-03-29 08:25:02
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英文作文 篇1

  We met two poor kittens in class today. One eye still had a little problem. We fed the two kittens and we went home.

  Why do I feel this two kittens is very poor, I heard them meow is froze.

英文作文 篇2

  There are many kinds of thanksgiving days in the world. american thanksgiving day is another important holiday related to christianity. it is on the fourth thursday of each november. thanksgiving day in america is considered as a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals, such as turkeys, pumpin pie, indian corn and so on. there are always holiday parades and hot balloons on that day.

英文作文 篇3

  I like badminton very much.Because playing badminton have many advantages.

  it is a very good way to keep fit and from which I gain a large amount of fun.Additionally,Badminton is a physical demanding game,and it is mentally challenging as well.In mixed doubles,teamwork is the key in forming a formidable partnership.I think it is a great sport that makes you meet new people and enjoy yourself at the same time,and it’s good for my eyes、feet and body.

英文作文 篇4

  Only a few years after my birth, the household contract responsibility system began.Parents are busy on a dozen acres of barren land every day to feed their families.As we grow up, the house also widened, three houses built in a mud hut on.

  It has a few years father in the town, a month holiday, monthly meal of fat, called "dayaji".When my father came back with a bottle of meat will come back, opened above the mold.We gobbled up our father's life at the coal factory as an immortal, and talked privately about when to go for a big meal.Work together with his father's uncle once to my house to play, I politely asked: "you are in the carbon plant is not every day in the meat?Which day will you take me too?."Uncle touched my head and said: "baby, where possible, we have a sumptuous meal in the middle of each month, each whole a gourd son.Your dad won't be able to eat one drop of water and brought it back to you.I'm afraid the time is long. I can't eat it. He buried it in the dirt and dug it out of the soil.We have so much effort, I don't know your father with children how have the strength in the soil."Mother tears out, blame uncle: "you say to children, what do you do?"!"My brother and I didn't yearn for the coal factory any more, and we only expected our father to go home early.

  My father read the school a few years at home in the evening, read aloud, "Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin" and "Xue Gang", "five Tang Yi", he is like singing bound books, like reading aloud, exquisite cadence.I asked how to read, he was very surprised, said: "do not look into how to read?"His subtle influence on us, our four brothers later language achievement is also so so.Sometimes rainy day without farm work, he will invite some lover in the play "adult" this plastic card, before playing each number of dozens of sorghum rice, as a bargaining chip to record the outcome.Fine weather, farm work, resolute not to fight, this is his principle.It was, I think, the two thing in his life.At this moment we could see the smiling face on his face.

  In the twinkling of an eye, big brother graduated from high school.Although the results in grade one, when there is no entrance policy, the implementation of the "recommended selection" to go to college.When he was young, his parents left him at home late at night

英文作文 篇5

  Today, I am full of reverence, in the Tomb Sweeping Day, I came to Grandpa Xi Zhongxun's cemetery, and I held a memorial ceremony for Mr. Xi.

  In the cemetery, he saw two majestic-looking soldiers waiting in front of the tomb Xi grandfather. Looking ahead, the cemetery is full of oriental arborvitae, cypress and fireballs and other plants. At the end of the road, a stone tablet was seen far away. Before I could see it carefully, I was dragged by my father into the Xi Zhongxun life exhibition hall. I laughed and said to my father, who was puzzled.

  If you want to visit Xi Lao, you have to know the life of the old man first.

  After listening, I looked up, yo! No, I don't know. I used to be an old fellow. Both of us are the people of light village in Fuping county. Significant! Continue to look down: learning the old war is also good, the command of the Qinghuabian, yangmahe, Panlong campaign, three war three, really terrible! And almost killed by the enemy, and always adhered to the principle of Communist Party members. See here, my heart's admiration arises spontaneously. The impression on Xi Lao is a bit clearer. He admired a few points.

  Walking out of the memorial hall, picking up the steps towards the old cemetery, it reached the front of the memorial. Dozens of flower baskets stood in the wind, and the red banners on each basket were all respected by Xi Lao for this revolutionary hero. On the statue of the old man, who is surrounded by flowers and flowers, Xi is sitting there with a kind smile on his face. I look down with my old eyes, ah! Oh, I see! Xi Lao looked at this land with deep affection. He was born, he nurtured him, embraced him, and finally accepted his land selflessly -- Fuping. At that time, the old man was a homecoming traveller. Maybe he would have a deep feeling of "little family leaving home, old man's back, no local accent" and "bad hair on the temple". When I returned to God and looked at the old man again, he appeared in my eyes as vice premier of the State Council. At this time, he was really a bit "the top of the world."

  Day, some of the black, as the old lady said in Qi, "fighting every day, happy every day; a life, a happy life", happy to struggle the life of the old, the rest.

英文作文 篇6


  The shape characteristics of giant panda panda like bear stout body, charmingly naive, but the first round tail short, black and white fur and white head and body clear. Its body length 120 ~ 180 cm, tail length of 10 ~ 20 cm, white, weighing 60 to 110 kilograms. The first round and large, the former palm apart from five toes with claws, there is a sixth toe. Torso is a white tail, ears, eye, limbs and shoulders are all the Ministry of black, abdomen light brown, or gray-black.


  According to current fossil analysis, is generally believed that tiger originated in eastern Asia, which is the country's eastern regions (the Yangtze River downstream). Tiger's coat is orange or orange-red, abdomen and limbs inside is white or milky white, most notably the appearance of a body covered with a black stripe, stripes, stripes extending to forehead, sometimes it will show Chinese character "Wang", "big" the words, eyes with eye-catching white spots, cheeks are also eye-catching white mane, appearance seemed gorgeous, powerful.


  Elephant, Mammalia, Proboscidea, like Branch. , Is the world's largest terrestrial animals, the main external features of flexibility and muscular proboscis, a winding function is as a powerful tool for self-defense and feeding. Proboscidea only as Section 1 Section 2 are two kinds, namely, the Asian elephant and African elephant.


  Lion (lion) is the only two states of a male and female cats is the most powerful force on earth cats one. Beautiful shape, posture and majesty, king-like power and speed of the perfect combination of fantastic and won the "king of the beasts" in the world. Lion's size large, comprehensive statistics, the average weight of 185 kilograms of African lion, body length 1.5 ~ 1.9 m, tail length 1.2 m


  The emergence of a snake about 1.5 million years ago, arose much later in the appearance of poisonous snakes. It is evolved from the non-poisonous snakes, only appeared in the 2700 years ago. The world there are about 3,000 species of snakes, of which there are more than 600 kinds of poisonous snakes.


  The foot was born in the bodily foot, therefore assumes the upright posture; Between the foot has the web; The plantigrade (other birds are well-grounded by foot); The foreleg becomes finny; The feather is short, reduces the friction and the rapids; Between the feather preserves air, with by heat insulation. Back black, abdomen white. Each kind of main difference lies in the forehead color pattern and the individual size.

英文作文 篇7

  I am in a small dark walk on the road, under the silent rain, and moisture of fishes at the foot of the earth, the earth million of the year about the vicissitudes of life, I walk the footsteps of the beat in spring, walking slowly.

  The baptism of the feelings of the spring, the vegetable out of a green sprouts, the children wearing a crown on the road in chase of the absorption roots of greed told the mannose, with small light rain in the air playing, playing, flowers I accept the spring with the same baptism, his smiling face in the breeze.

  The wind blowing gently, comb my hair disheveled.

  The rain drop in my face with my hair gently skin contact, cool.

  The wind at night, and moisturizes things in silence.

  Rain, is the messenger of spring, it planted the seeds of the spring, the water constantly, until a hundred flowers blossom and the recovery of all things.

  Rain, you are a witness of history, you see clouds on the generations of people with their own sweat and the construction of the motherland a better future.

  Fishes rain falling into the hands of my heart, so lonely in my heart the seed germination









英文作文 篇8

  I want to be a doctor twenty years later, to help people.Even when not a doctor, I want to be an astronaut to space exploration. If you can be a doctor to do a good doctorfamous. There are a lot of good doctor, for example, can help oneself. There are advantages to do an astronaut, for example, can have a look at the space is how, can help mankind to prove that the world there are aliens. But dothese two jobs are not easy, also very dangerous, such asthe doctor may have infectious diseases, do astronautsrocket launching and landing could explode. It is not easy to do so this two job.


英文作文 篇9

  我们班来了个“大家伙 “耳听为虚,眼见为实!”瞧,那不就是我们班新来的“大家伙”——等离子多媒体吗?它可是我们老师上课的好帮手哦! 一个银灰色的多功能讲台,里面竟然安装着一台电脑,真是神奇,一个正方形的中央控制器嵌在桌面中间,拉开多功能讲台左面的拉手,里面竟然藏着一个白色的实物展示台,别提多奇怪了!这套多媒体的显示器是一个高50厘米,宽45厘米的49寸的等离子电视,一个黑得发亮的外壳外面还套着一个水晶似的履膜框,真是气派! 它不但外观精致,内部构造新颖,还挺实用,大大提高了我们上课的效率。记得有一次学一篇课文《圆明园的毁灭》,我无论如何也想象不出圆明园被毁灭之前是怎么样的,所以觉得这篇课文也没什么意思。谁知上课时裘老师神秘地打开了它,不一会儿,大屏幕上竟然出现了一幅幅美丽的画面:有金碧辉煌的殿堂、玲珑剔透的亭台楼阁、富丽堂皇的宫廷、仙境般的蓬莱瑶台同学们看得一次又一次地张大了嘴巴!当然学课文也变得津津有味,甚至到了下课还意犹未尽呢!本来

  不喜欢上语文课的同学,现在也天天盼望上语文课,期待着这个“大家伙”的精彩亮相。 当然那个实物展示台也能发挥不小的功能。在欣赏同学写的.优秀作文的时候,老师会用到它;在展示班上同学的书法作品的时候会用到它;数学老师也经常会用它跟我们讲解一些关于图形的数学问题我们班的“大家伙”犹如一位“大神仙”让我们感到神奇。

英文作文 篇10

  There is a saying in China that "people eat for the day". I like eating food very much. Eating food is a kind of taste enjoyment for me, which makes my mood very pleasant. I always spend a lot of money on food. I like pasta, sausage, butter bread, pizza, etc. I like juice, coke and porridge. I also spend a lot of time cooking food, which is a kind of happiness and satisfaction for me. Do you like eating good food? I think no one doesn't like food.










