
更新时间:2023-03-02 15:33:46
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英文作文 篇1

  Great Opportunity

  Are you looking for a great opportunity? Well, you can stop searching because it is here。

  The greatest opportunity that anyone could possibly hope for can be yours。 You don’t have to make a cash investment。 You don’t even have to fill out an application form。 This incredible opportunity can work for you no matter what your educational or professional background, no matter what your level of physical ability might be, and no matter what skills you possess。

  The opportunity in front of you is monly called “TODAY”。 This opportunity is full of power and has the potential to deliver whatever you desire。 Your grand opportunity is here and now。 It is in the precious, irreplaceable3 hours and moments which make up this day。 Whatever the clock may read, today is just beginning。 In front of you are 24 fresh and available hours until this time tomorrow, and there is so very much you can do with them。 Today is an opportunity of the grandest proportions。 No one, no matter how rich, famous, powerful or successful, has an opportunity available to them with more potential than you have today。

  In fact, you have the very same day available to you as the most successful person alive —on the very same day。 Seize it, live it, and make it into something great。






英文作文 篇2

  These days, we have a new member of our family, the whole body of fluffy yellow and white color, we call it Beckham, is a big dog.

  It has big eyes, and it keeps turning. As soon as a little bit of movement happens, it immediately finds itself. After returning home, it will run around my youbengyoudiao, sometimes biting my mother's leg is not put, is really angry and funny.

  What a lovely puppy!

英文作文 篇3

  May I have your attention, please

  As you know, our class will have a talk show on environment protection with Class One on May 4th. Before it takes place, we

  One possible version:

  May I have your attention, please

  As you know, our class will have a talk show on environment protection with Class One on May 4th.Before it takes place, we will invite Dr Li from Qinghua University to give us a talk on the environment problem and he will also tell us about the improvement in environment protection in recent years in Beijing.

  The report will begin at 2:00 pm on Wednesday, April 30th in the auditorium on the third floor in the classroom building. I’m sure we can get enough information from his talk to make good preparations for the coming talk show. Everyone should be there on time, then listen to the report and make full notes at the same time.



  By the way, we will have a discussion after the report.

  That’s all. Thank you.



英文作文 篇4

  Let's face it, the majority of people who are single are not single because they honestly and truly choose to be that way. Yes, there are people out there who are single and love it and wouldn't change it for the world but these people are in the minority。


  So, if most people who are still single would rather be in a relationship (of some kind), why are there so many single people out there?


  I happen to be single myself and believe that there are some pretty good reasons to explain why single people like myself seem to stay single。


  If you're one of the single people, keep on reading to see if one of these “top 5 reasons why you're alone” can explain why you're still single。

  如果你也是单身,接着往下读,看看“五大单身理由” 里有没有哪一条符合你的情况。

  1. You were in a long-term relationship:


  Being in a long-term relationship is much different than dating. If your long-term relationship ends, there is a lot more to deal with than if you'd only been dating for a few months. Take a 10-year relationship that's ended, for example: there's 10 years of good memories, bad memories, lost commitments, joy, hurt - you name it - to try to deal with.


  Assumedly, if you were in a 10-year relationship, the person you were with knew you well - your likes, dislikes, your quirks, your friends, family, hopes, dreams, etc. You probably knew each other so well that it was like you had your own secret language. Even if the relationship ended badly, that's a lot to try to replace!


  It's no wonder that single people with long-term relationships in their past seem to stay single. Whether it makes sense to them or not, they just can't seem to find someone who can replace what they once had whether what they had was good or not. The key here is that they will never be able to find a direct replacement but they can find someone new who is equally if not more worthwhile and hopefully a better match. It takes time, openness and commitment to build another long-term relationship from scratch and it can be scary and overwhelming。


  于他们永远不可能找到一个直接的.替代者,但是他们可以找到一个新的人,即便不比原来那个人更值得,但至少也是个不错的另一半。结束一段伤痛、再次建立一段 长期的感情需要时间、坦然和承诺。最初可能会让人提心吊胆、喘不过气。

  2. You're shy and/or not very outgoing:


  Whether we like it or not, people who are outgoing tend to get noticed and that includes getting noticed by the opposite sex. Where does that leave shy single people? We're just not that likely to get noticed if we don't make eye contact with others and make a point of trying to get to know them. It's a sad fact, but true。


  Being shy is at least 50% genetic so there's only so much we can do to overcome this. The good news is that there are lots of shy single people out there -- admittedly, the hard part is hooking up, but it happens, so don't despair。


  3. You live in a small town or village


  Let's just play the numbers game here. Imagine you live in a small town of 3000 people and you're a woman. You're looking for a man, so you're down to 1500 to choose from except that 75% of them are taken so that leaves you with 375. Out of those 375, let's say 15% of them fall within an appropriate age range of you which brings you down to about 57. Out of those 57, you're sure not going to be compatible with all of them; there may be a few you're compatible with but how are you going to find them?

英文作文 篇5


  Creative Writing: imagine a scenario

  What is the object which has to be borrowed? Who is borrowing from whom? What is going on?

  This week's topic: The borrower looked on keenly... (90-110 words)


  Sean saw his housemate lying on the bed, looking at him. "Good morning. Are you feeling better today?" asked Sean, "I made you breakfast." "Thanks. Yeah, sleeping helped a lot." "That's good to hear. Well... actually, if you don't mind, could I please borrow your camera today?" The housemate laughed as he sat up on the bed, being careful not to put pressure on his arm, "Sure, it's not like I am going to work today. The camera is over there. Just take out the memory card and put it on the desk." "Of course, I have my own memory card. Thank you so much!" Sean replied.

英文作文 篇6

  One Hundred Years of Solitude

  Probably García Márquez finest and most famous work. One Hundred Years of Solitude tells the story of the rise and fall, birth and death of a mythical town of Macondo through the history of the Buendía family. Inventive, amusing, magnetic, sad, alive with unforgettable men and women, and with a truth and understanding that strike the soul. One Hundred Years of Solitude is a masterpiece of the art of fiction.


  One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) is the story of seven generations of the Buendía Family in the town of Macondo. The founding patriarch of Macondo, José Arcadio Buendía, and úrsula, his wife (and first cousin), leave Riohacha, Colombia, to find a better life and a new home. One night of their emigration journey, whilst camping on a riverbank, José Arcadio Buendía dreams of “Macondo”, a city of mirrors that reflected the world in and about it. Upon awakening, he decides to found Macondo at the river side; after days of wandering the jungle, José Arcadio Buendía’s founding of Macondo is utopic.()

  Founding patriarch José Arcadio Buendía believes Macondo to be surrounded by water, and from that island, he invents the world according to his perceptions.Soon after its foundation, Macondo becomes a town frequented by unusual and extraordinary events that involve the generations of the Buendía family, who are unable or unwilling to escape their periodic (mostly) self-inflicted misfortunes. Ultimately, a hurricane destroys Macondo, the city of mirrors; just the cyclical turmoil inherent to Macondo. At story’s end, a Buendía man deciphers an encrypted cipher that generations of Buendía family men had failed to decipher. The secret message informed the recipient of every fortune and misfortune lived by the Buendía Family generations.

英文作文 篇7

  I didn’t realize the importance of working in groups until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school. At first, I did most of the duties myself while other students care little about class activities. As a result, I was tired out and depressed. Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me to cooperate with others. Thus I began to recognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class. From my experience, I strongly feel that it is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more efficiently. So we need the spirit of team work in our life.

英文作文 篇8

  1、Many hands make light work.


  2、Many heads are better than one.


  3、Many things grow in the garden that were never sown there.


  4、Measure for measure.


  5、Misfortunes never come alone.


  6、Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.


  7、Money isn't everything.


  8、Murder will out.


  9、My son is my son till he has got him a wife, but my daughter is my daughter all the days of her life.


  10、Nature is the true law.


  11、Necessity is the mother of invention.


  12、Never fish in trouble water.


  13、Never judge from appearances.


  14、Never say die.


  15、Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.


  16、New wine in old bottles.


  17、No cross, no crown.


  18、No garden without its weeds.


  19、No living man all things can.


  20、No man can do two things at once.


  21、No man is born wise or learned.


  22、No man is content.


  23、No man is wise at all times.


  24、None are so blind as those who won't see.


  25、None are so deaf as those who won't hear.


  26、No news is good news.


  27、No one can call back yesterday.


  28、No pains, no gains.


  29、No pleasure without pain.


  30、No rose without a thorn.


  31、No sweet without sweat.


  32、No smoke without fire.


  33、Nothing brave, nothing have.


  34、Nothing dries sooner than a tear.


  35、Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.


  36、Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.


  37、Nothing seek, nothing find.


  38、Nothing is so necessary for travelers as languages.


  39、Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.


  40、Not to advance is to go back.


  41、Not to know what happened before one was born is always to be a child.


  42、No way is impossible to courage.


  43、Obedience is the first duty of a soldier.


  44、Observation is the best teacher.


  45、Offense is the best defense.


英文作文 篇9

  Hohhot in Inner Mongolia and Linda lingle county town of a loud, six.. GongYunLu

  My home have a dog named spot, three years old this year, the colour is light yellow, very likable, little nose is black, and small, it naturally has a character of arrogance.

  Little is a golden retriever. Remember in the winter of 20xx, the snow was falling thickand the wind was its mother put it, born a month later I went to grandma house held it back, but it is small, it is about two jins, little living in my house for a year or so, and because my house without the loess, and the urine is also an issue, but under my mother had to send it is grandma's house, little just walk a couple of days, and I think it all the time, what matter all downhearted, time is long, I also gradually forgotten.

  To from one day, mother said: didn't go to grandma's house for a long time, let's go and see, that makes me fiercely remembered I'd left a good friend, after lunch, we went to grandma's house, a meeting, I almost didn't recognize, also was like a "bean sprouts" puppy, is now, thick and tall, look the jovian, has a bit of light red nose, looks very spirit.

  On the way home, I want to for a long time, why at the beginning of the puppy to grandma house can grow up? Eat fat? I think it's because my grandma home food is to its liking. Ha ha, my little little cute.







英文作文 篇10


  Ambition is a strong desire to propel one to final success in career or other meaningful endeavors.Just like Epstein has artistically put it,“And as we decide and choose, so are our lives formed”,ambition renders motivational support for an individual and leads him or her to the real meaning of life. Therefore, I cannot agree more with him in regard to what ambition is and how it functions in one's life.

  Like the pole star, ambition remains steady and ever bright over one's life horizon. There is only one secret for success, that is, to go in the direction your goal calls you towards the destination. It is ambition that serves as the guiding principle for a life experience. Without ambition to strive for, we would be justified to remain idle all year round as long as we are fed and keep alive. For instance,a student who dreams of being a political leader appears active in students' union and extracurricular activities. He works hard, though no one asks him to, at sociology, psychology, law and so on, those sciences highly expected of a politician. It is his ambition that drives him to study hard and take the most advantage of his time at school. So by exercising his ambition at school, he is paving his way for the future. In contrast, poor-performance students are often those without a clear-cut vision for their future. That is why helping students with goal setting are supposed to be a task for all educational practitioners.

  As a conclusion, ambition more often than not acts as strong motivation and orientation for a person's ultimate dream. With it or without it, our life will be formed accordingly. So for a moree fruitful end of our life in this world, we all should think and rethink about our ambition.














