
更新时间:2023-03-24 19:20:30
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中国英语作文 篇1

  Today, more and more foreigners learn mandarin, which is a good sign that China plays the important role in the world. As foreigners study Chinese culture, they are attracted by the variety. Chinese culture is profound. The Confucius Institute is around the world. Many foreigners learn Chinese culture and language, hoping to find cooperation with Chinese businessmen, because they know that the future chance is here. I learn Chinese culture since I went to school, but I still feel that I have a lot to learn. China has a history of more than 5,000 years, so I am so eager to learn more about its culture. Some day, I can present the culture to the foreign friends.


中国英语作文 篇2

  Chinese are very generous while educating children. Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to study because they believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is.So parents will spend an unreasonable amount of money on education.Even poor couples will buy a computer for their children.

  However, the best early education is usually very cheap.

  Children’s skills vary. Most parents fail to realize though,what children lack today is self-respect and self-confidence.

  The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple choice tests and study well instead of the most important skills of being confident, happy and clever. Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and other housework.

  Cooking will improve many skills children need later in life. Though demanding patience and time, it is an enjoyable experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he works hard and gradually finishes his job successfully. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence.

  Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set your child plays with will make him curious and arouse his interest. He may spend hours looking at them, trying to fix them. These activities are not merely teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.








中国英语作文 篇3

  Today is a fine day. When I was going down the stairs and going to have breakfast. I suddenly saw two strings of red peppers on both sides of the living room and a big Chinese knot on the wall above the sofa. To my surprise, there were also four small lanterns hung on the top of the balcony. “ Strange! In the past years, we never decorated our house during the Spring Festival.” I said to myself. “but this year….” At the moment, the telephone rang.

  I quickly picked up the phone. That’s mum. She said that they decorated the house this morning before they went to work. And she told me that almost everyone in her company decorated their houses, even her company was decorated as well. How interesting that is! After breakfast, I went to the balcony, breeze blew to my face. It was gentle and warm. The four small lanterns swang, too, like smiling to the wind. How lovely! With these nice decorations, I think the Spring Festival will be more interesting and colourful!

中国英语作文 篇4

  Chinese new year is a chinese traditional festival. We also call it the spring festival. It is on lunar january 1st.


  On new year's eve, all the people sit around the desk and have a big family dinner. There are some vegetables, some fish, some meat, some fruits and some drink like juice, coke, pepsi and some nice wine. Overall, this is a good and delicious dinner. After dinner, we always watch tv new year progammes. We have a wonderful evening on new year's eve.


  On the first day of the spring festival, most of people get up early and say “happy new year” to each other. for breakfast, people often eat dumplings and baozi. After breakfast, people often make many delicious foods, and children often play cards, computer games and fireworks. On the second and third day, we visit friends and relatives.


  Everyone is busy on chinese new year, and everyone is happy, too.


中国英语作文 篇5

  history has witnessed many changes in chinese families in transition. here i just want to focus your eyes on the change in the size of chinese family and the role of chinese women.

  generally speaking, the size of chinese families is shrinking. national census conducted in 20xx showed a chinese family has 3.6 members on average, down from the 3.97 reported in 1990 and 4.43 in 1982.familied with only parents and one child are mushrooming and will make the majority of chinese families. the phenomenon showed chinese traditional extended families are turning into nuclear families.

  our interview indicated that family planning policy accounts for the change. the basic requirements of the policy are late marriage and late child bearing so as to have fewer but healthier babies. with the enforcement of the policy, most people agree that with one child to bring up, parents can devote more of their attention to him or her, and at the same time enjoy more freedom; to the child, he or she can receive more care and hugs. the benefits make it popular to set up a small, happy and harmonious family.not only does small family contribute to the pursuit of scientific and civilized lifestyle, but it also helps women get rid of the burden of frequent child bearing and heavy burden after marriage. however, the most important thing is that women are playing a more and more important role in chinese family.

  in the past, each family had a head, who had absolute authority at home, and the final say in family affairs. but now in most chinese families, husband and wife work out household purchases together. in some cases, women have a stronger voice in household purchases, though it is usually the men who foot the bill.

  chinese women were subject to men and were confined to household chores in those days. nowadays, however, many women have their own career, apart from those responsibilities for family. the change of their economic status, to a large extent, attribute their improved role in family.

  according to this study, chinese families are undergoing many changes, the results of which are desirable. in the future, we believe that the structure of chinese families will become better.

中国英语作文 篇6

  The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China. It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar. It’s China’s New Year’s Day. So usually a month before the festival people begin to buy

  About a week before the festival housewives are busy preparing the new year dinner. And they will do a lot of washing and cleaning in the houses. People who are far away on business are hurrying to return home for the new year’s family reunion.

  On New Year Eve each family will gather tighter eating talking and watching TV for almost the whole night. And there will be some interesting programmes on TV. The children are the happiest of all because they can get presents from parents or grandparents.

  On Lunar New Year’s Day after getting up people will eat dumplings. When they meet their neighbours or friends they’ll say: “Happy New Year!”

  I am ready to spend with together my family on the Spring Festival I’am going to see my grandparents and friengs . I ’m going to Diseyland in HONGKONG with my parents I will revise lessinos do exercise every day help the old and children .Wellcom to China.









