
更新时间:2023-03-27 16:30:44
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学英语作文 篇1

  Women seemed to be the least important creatures in the world in ancient times.At that time the criterion whether a woman is good or not is obedience. A woman was to be obedient to her parents in her youth, to her husband once she got married and to her children in her old age.At that time, women were subordinate to men, having no humanity at all, not to mention the so-called liberty or equality.

  As time goes by,tremendous changes have happened to women's status, from women being permitted to receive education together with men to being able to go out to work in the society. Nowadays, such cases are ordinary that women compete with men,work with men,and even take the leadership.Wornen's status arrives at an unprecedented high level, which can be called as equality to some extent.

  However, the situation is not so optimistic as the majority of women think. In effect, women are far from equal to men.Actually, men's superiority is inveterate, which can't be shaken overnight. Though the society keeps on saying women should be treated equally as men, the idea that men are better than women still exerts a subtle influence on people's minds. When opening newspapers, how many "only men are eligible" are there in advertisements for employees? That is the reality.People tend to value men, not women, at least subconsciously, men are superi

  I don't think the concept is based on science. It can't be denied that men take a dominant position in strength, logical thinking etc., but there are characteristic advantages women have anyhow, in which men fail to contend with them. Consequently,men are no better than women. Policewomen, women pilots,and women astronauts.., all these will prove the ability women own to the public. As a result, women get more and more aware of their own values. Despite its hardships and high costs, lots of

  them are trying their best to change the prejudice of the society.

  However, what I want to point out here is that not only men have the prejudice, but some women themselves do too. Eyen those who claim to long for equality with men have the double standard of equality. On one hand, they demand equal opportunity; on the other hand, they take "lady first" for granted,considering that it is perfectly justified for men to open door for them, offer their own seats to them, pay for dinner for them.Does it make sense? How can you ask others to treat you equally while you yourself have admitted the inequality in advance?

  In short, I think as long as our sense doesn't completely change, the real equality between men and women won't come.

学英语作文 篇2


  1. Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today.____________

  2. With the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well. ___________________

  3. In spite of these changes, the liberation of women has not been completely realized.


  例1. (2分段)

  豹盬omen are playing an increasingly important part in society today. Long age, women only did something in the kitchen or at home. Now many of them have serious jobs to serve for people. What men can do so can women.

  With the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well. Today in the family, the wife often lots her husband to do something at home bat ago, only women did something. Men are foned of doing something at home.

  豹盜n spite of these changes, the liberation of women has not been completely realized. Sometimes, the matter, the husband hitting has welf, often happened. In the factory the wonmen to as much as the men, but they are paid less than the men. Some people have not completely realized the liberation of women.


  (2)用汉语思维,句子有明显的.汉语痕迹,如“What men can do so can women.”,应改为“Women can do what men can do”。

  (3)衔接不自然,没有用适当的关联词,如“Sometimes, the matter, the husband hitting has welf, often happened”,应改为“The case that husband hits his wife often happens. ”


  例2.(5分段 )

  豹盬omen are playing an increasingly important part in society today. In today, many women have a work. They worked as well as men playing an important part in factories. There are many women in government also. They lead other people country, and make out plans. There are many scientist slso. They event new things to improve our life.

  豹盬ith the changes in their social role, wome

学英语作文 篇3

  Just as the saying goes: life is not all roses, all of use will need someone else’ s help to deal with problems that we may encounter in our life. Here comes the question: whom will you turn to for help? Some say they will ask their classmates or friends for help, because they are peers, thus they can understand each other easily.


  However, others have different choices when in trouble. They are inclined to tell their teachers and parents the difficulties they are faced with. In their opinion, teachers and parents, who are much older than them, can give them a hand with their rich experience.


  As for me, close friends are always the people who come to my mind firstly when I am intrigued by something that can not be solved by myself. If we can not figure out a solution by our joint effort, I will go to my teachers or parents for help. With their suggestions or instructions, I can finally find the best way to cope with my troubles.


学英语作文 篇4

  Huamei is the garden as well as a school we live and study in. It has more green trees than the classrooms. When you come into our school,you can see two tall buildings.In the buildings there are two computer rooms,an art room,a music room a library and many classrooms. I like to go to the library,because I like reading books.My teachers often tell us:“Reading is good for you.”Near the buildings there is a big playground.We can play football,basketball and games on it.

  My school is far away from the city, the air here is fresh and bright, we have some special activates except the normal classes. Every Monday and Wednesday’s afternoon, we join our favorite clubs ,there are Sports Club, Music Club, Art Club, Writing Club and so on. It is important for us to join some clubs, because we can have fun and learn something new about other things.

  The students come from different country. We study and play together. We get up early to do exercise in the morning ,when you come to our school very early, you can see many lovely children are doing the morning exercise, they run after each other, they jump to the trees, sit on the 3 elephants, play with their dear teachers, it is very peaceful.

  The teachers here are kind and nice. They are not only our teachers but also our friends. My school is wonderful, I want to grow up at my school.

  Let's talk about our school's cleanliness. I think we still have a lot to do with it. First, we should clean the whole school at least txice a day. Second, I know many students like eating lunch in the playground so that they can have more time to play basketball or play football. I think it is really a bad habit. We should protect our school's cleanliness, not destory! In some ways, our shcool is not very clean. But it is much better now than before. I hope our school will be much cleaner. That's all. Thank you!

学英语作文 篇5

  1. Although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation , we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress .


  2. One can raedily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event .


  3. The raesons for poverty are many , but for the most part center on illiteracy , the lack of opportunities and in some cases pure laziness .


  4. Child development depends on a number of factors , both physical and psychological . Correct parental nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines both the physical and mental profile of a mature individual .


  5. Factors such as self-condidence and ambition , combined with determination and willpower , contribute to eventual success or failure .


学英语作文 篇6

  June 1, 20xx

  Dear Jimmy,

  My wife and I are going to have a small dancing party to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary at home.We are going to invite some old friends and hope you and Emma can come. The time is next Saturday, June 10,at 7:00 pro.

  I know you have been very busy recently, but I do hope you can manage it. We are looking forward to your coming with great pleasure.

  Yours affectionately,



  本文要求写一篇邀请函,其目的是邀请对方参与某项活动、庆典、聚会等等。邀请信分为两种:一种叫做请柬(Invitation Card),常采用严谨而固定的格式,适用于严肃而庄重的场合;一种是一般的邀请信,多用于朋友、熟人和亲戚之间。其写作步骤一般如下:







  1.I'd like…非常希望……

  2.request the pleasure of……恭请……

  3.The favor of a reply is requested.敬赐复函。

  4.The evening will be held in…on…晚会定于……在……举行

  5.We are looking forward to…我们期待着……

  6.We sincerely hope you can attend.我们期待您的光临。

  7.We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion.为此我们决定举办一次晚会。

  8.Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience.是否参加,请早日告之。

学英语作文 篇7

  Hi!my name is tess. I am a girl.l can speak english very well.I like english very much. I am thin and tall.I am ten years old.I am lovely ,too.I look like a big pig.I like my tachers.I like my school.it's big. It's beautiful. It's clean.there are three buildings in my school.One is school building .One is dance studio.The other is dormetory.There is a playground, too.We can play on it.i like everything!

学英语作文 篇8

  At one time or another, most of us will come to a point in our lives when it’s time to determine our next step. As a business and success coach, I often hear from people who are wondering if it’s time to make a change in their lives. Things may be going well, or not-so-well, but for whatever reason, they’re thinking that it’s time for change. They come to me for help figuring out what’s next in their career.

  Most people are not in jobs that they planned and studied for. As a matter of fact, it’s pretty clear that many people are in careers that just “happened.” They started working at a job thinking it was going to be something they’d do until they decided what they really wanted to get involved in, and then they just stayed around until it became a kind of career.

  In other cases, individuals are in jobs or professions based on the guidance or encouragement of other people in their lives. Perhaps their parents always wanted a doctor in the family. Maybe their boyfriend or wife kept telling them they were capable of “better” things and needed to get moving on their career. My point is this: Regardless of how they got to where they are now, it wasn’t, for most of the population, a well thought-out plan that was skillfully executed.

  In my coaching practice, I’ve learned that this situation often translates into people doing work that really isn’t right for them personally. They may be doing okay, but they sure don’t bound out of bed looking forward to getting to work each day.

  We are all more successful when we are doing things we enjoy. To help clients decide what that may be, I ask them a few questions designed to get them to take an honest look at who they are at their core.

  For those of you who’ve been thinking, “Maybe I should make the move into management,” I’ve put together this list of 10 warning signals. If any of these hit you as your personal reality, the chances are that you are not cut out to be a manager.

学英语作文 篇9

  The other day I went to the park。 And unexpectedly I found in a deserted eorner, a cheerytree in full bloom, just like the kind of flowers I used to see in my former school, Xian Jiaotong University, light pink in color。 To my delight, a sense of familiarity welled up in my mind。 At the same time I could not kelp sighing that life is just like the cheery flowers, beautiful but transient。

  True to my prediction, in the afternoon I ran to the park。 There was nothing left but the tender twigs。 The flowers fell thick on the ground as if the spring wind were also sad about it and would not bring itself to blow on them and left them scattered everywhere。

  Fortunately outside it is a beautiful world。 The snow whitepear flowers were glistening as if they were blooming in your face, The roses and peonies were all in bloom, vying silently with each other for beauty。 Spring is really the best season of the year。













