
时间:2023-05-02 09:11:05


英文作文 篇1

  科学技术在现代生活中所占的地位 The place of Science and Technology in Modern Life

  Human life can not continue without science and technology. For many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind. So the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our fore fathers.


  The development of science and technology have brought about many changes in people's life. For example, the invention of television and space rocket have opened a new era for mankind. Through the use of TV people can hear the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away. Owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of man's landing on the moon has now come true.


  Science and technology also play an important role in our socialist construction. We may say, our socialist construction is just like a skyscraper, while science and technology are its base. Without the base, the skyscraper can't be built. Therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country.


英文作文 篇2

  一:Save electricity

  Electricity plays a very important role in our life today, we can not live without it. In our country, we have using it for about 50 years. But,we have to know,in the same time,a large part of it was wasted,it's polluted environment around us. as a student,we should like using the air-conditioner less often, turning off the light upon leaving, reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.

  As a saying puts, " Actions speak louder than words", please join in the action to save electricity, from yourself, from now on. Action!

  二:How can we save electricity?

  First, we mustn't turnon more lights than we need . Then, we must turn fans off when we leave a room. Next, we must close the fridge or freezer after we have taken something out. We mustn switch off the lights when students are the last to leave the classroom. After that, we mustn't leave the kettle on unattended. Finally,we must close all the windows when we are using the air conditioner.

  If everyone can do these,I think we can save electricity.

  三:Save electricity

  First,we shouldn't waste the electricity.We should use it as little electricity as possible.Second ,in the summer,we don't ues the air conditioner too often.Third,when we leave the room,we should remember to turn off the light.When we watch TV,we can also turn on little light.In the end,we can use energy-savingblubs.

  If we saving more energy,our life can become more and more brighter.

  四:How to save electricity in our daily life

  Electricity is very important in our daily life.People are so used to electric lights, radio, televisions, and telephones that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them.So we mustn't waste the electricity.

  We can do someting to save electricity:

  1.when we leave the house and classroom ,we must close the lights

  2. using the air-conditioner less often,

  3.turning off the light upon leaving,

  4.reminding family members of the importance of saving electricity and so on.

  5.when you leave your room must be turn off the light,

  6. when you watching TV don't turn on too much light.

英文作文 篇3

  Wuhan Shenlong International Tourism Festival, a night of national day, I finish English after-school and mother ride to the beach to play. Along the way, a street lamp stands on both sides of the street, like a loyal Guardian ten guardian of the beautiful Jiangcheng. Pedestrians on the road with heavy traffic on the street. We managed to Beach Park, looking ahead, I was stunned by the scene, this really is an ocean of lights, light of the world, eyeful of colorful lanterns, Qianzibaitai, dizzying, the night marshland lit up, just like a fairy tale world.The door of the panda Park, only a few clever machines made several small panda friends and shouting, and clapping their hands and jump. You see, some in Gong, some on drums, and some are still blowing bubbles, each multicoloured bubble in the night by the colorful rippling.And then move forward, the lane on the right side of the mountain several gourd dolls in gearing up seem ready to a a valiant fight, a frame train surrounded by hills in the cheerful Mercedes Benz. We have not enough time to understand in detail, in front of a silver shining Dragon heaves in sight, the winding body station along the straight road, look carefully, it was found that was actually formed by the binding of tableware is really vivid, lifelike, so that we excited, exclaimed curious.A row of riverside Pavilion, the four beauties stand alone in the rain of the night, as if waiting for their friends.Walked, fragrance assail the nostrils, the original is all kinds of Chinese and foreign cakes here for visitors to taste and buy me greedy straight swallow saliva.The night is too late, we have to set foot on the way back, go to the gate, I say goodbye to the beach be reluctant to part.

  武汉市神龙国际旅游节到了,国庆节的一个晚上,我上完英语课后就和妈妈坐车去江滩玩。一路上,一盏盏路灯站在大街两旁,像一个个忠诚的卫十守护着美丽的江城。 路上行人如织,车水马龙。我们好不容易来到江滩公园,放眼望去,我被眼前的景色惊呆了,这里真是灯的海洋,灯的世界,满眼的花灯五彩缤纷,千姿百态,令人目不暇接,把夜色的江滩映照得如同一个童话世界。 门口的熊猫乐园里,几只乖巧的机器熊猫逗得几个小朋友又喊又叫,又是拍手又是跳。你看,有的'在敲锣,有的在打鼓,有的还在吹泡泡,一个个五光十色的泡泡在五彩的夜晚晚翻飞着。 再往前走,小路右边的山上几个葫芦娃娃在摩拳擦掌,似乎正准备着一场英勇的战斗,一架列车环绕着小山在欢快地奔驰着。我们来不及细细体会,前面一条银光闪闪的巨龙映入眼帘,弯弯曲曲的身子站在笔直的路旁,仔细一看,才发现竟是用餐具绑扎而成,真是惟妙惟肖,栩栩如生,令我们激动不已,惊叹稀奇。 江边一排亭阁上,四大美女孤独的站在这下着小雨的夜晚,好像在等待着她们的朋友。 走着走着,一阵阵香味扑鼻而来,原来是中外各式糕点在这里供游人品尝购买,把我馋得直咽口水。


英文作文 篇4

  My Desk-mate

  Jenny is my desk-mate. She is a hard-working girl. When she was twelve years old, she won the first in a city-wide poetry recitation contest. Now she is chairman of the Student Union in our school. She gives us the impression that her ability to express her ideas is excellent. In spare time, she likes to carry a book .with her and writes down what she sees and hears. She's such a lovely girl that I enjoy talking with her to share her ideas.



英文作文 篇5

  Success and persistence

  There is a proverb saying that constant dripping wears away a stone which tells us how important persistence is to be successful.

  The story in the picture just tells us that. Two person dug for the diamonds but they didn’t know how far they are from diamonds. One of them dug very fast and he had dug a long tunnel close to the diamonds. However, he gave it up. Another dug a little slow, with the belief he would succeed.Maybe the truth is he would succeed.

  In fact,almost all people work hard for success, but not all people can success. Many people have a question about how to make success. In my opinion,the key is persistence. As we all know,the way to success are full of failures and difficulties. People should never give up when meet them. If you give up, you can’t be successful. No matter how hard it is, persistence must be there.

  Overseas luxury consumption of Chinese refers to the phenomenon that more and more wealthy Chinese people buy luxuries overseas. With wealth increasing ,Chinese consumers pursue more high-end products. A quarter of luxury which is consumed by Chinese made China be the second largest luxury consumption country in the world.However, six in ten of Chinese luxuries is consumed overseas making luxury consumption being an important part in outbound tourism.The cause of this phenomenon are the lower price ,higher quality and various products overseas.

英文作文 篇6

  There's a phrase is: "help others happy yourself." Well, you know what mood is help by others? Don't tell others, I was also helped by others. I know the feeling is very special.

  Things happen in my mother took me to the mountain, there are mountain water, but water depth of the high mountain, because I didn't climb over the mountains, so very afraid, but also very excited. The mountain was full of stones, at first I am not afraid, because have protect my fence and is Bridges, then not only without barriers, or the stone road, I was afraid.

  Just as I do not know what to do, a met a uncle like angel gently held my hand and said "don't be afraid, we walk together." Immediately, I like a long time did not have the warmth and vitality, a flower will soon wither, suddenly got sunshine and full of vitality in full bloom. Then I happy smiled. Because the first met uncle, he led me out of the dangerous steep slope, out of the great canyon, through the flowing water. In this way, we together through the mountains, canyons, and a river. Finally got to the top of the mountain, because we maintain, hand in hand, like together through the ups and downs, finally met a beautiful rainbow!

  To help others, is what is meaningful! As others help, I can feel, helped by others, the grateful heart. It can't see, also can not touch, the heart is full of happiness.

英文作文 篇7

  The Devotion of Love 爱的奉献

  Dear friends, you may have heard the song--The Devotion of Love. It has been very popular since 1988, and is enjoyed by more and more people. Why? Because it has been sung for the people. As long as everyone devotes a little love, the world will be even more beautiful.Whenever I hear the song, I can't help thinking of my dear teacher,Mr. Wang. He gave his life to the cause of education. He will be remembered as an engineer of the soul forever. As his student, I will never forget those days that we spent together.

  He was a kind and warm-hearted man. The moment I saw him, I felt as if he were my father. In class, he was strict in our studies. But in the spare time, he was our good friend. He often taught us how to play the violin, to sing, and to draw pictures. He cared not only for our studies but also for our minds. Whenever we had difficulties in our studies or in our daily life, he would encourage us to overcome them. When we failed in our exams, he would help us, "Don't lose heart, work harder and you will succeed." On his holidays, he would give up his rest to help those who had difficulty in their studies so that they could catch up with the other students. He was just like a candle, burning himself away to provide light for other. He was such a good teacher that all of us loved and respected him.

  But a year ago, word came that Mr. Wang died of cancer. Hearing this, I couldn't help crying. I remember the song of Small Grass: No sweeter than a flower, no taller than a tree…. Small grass is ordinary, but grand. Mr. Wang is a blade of small grass. He gave his students all his love. Mr. Wang will live in our hearts forever.

  A Service of Love 爱的奉献

  When one loves one’s Art no service seems too hard.

  Joe came out of the Middle West with a genius for pictorial art2. At six he drew a picture of the town pump with an important citizen passing it hurriedly. This work was framed3 and hung in the drug store window. At twenty he left for New York.

  Delia did things in music so well in a pine-tree village in the South that her relatives raised a little money for her to go “North” and “finish.” They could not see her, but that is our story.

  Joe and Delia met in a studio where a number of art and music students had gathered to discuss all kinds of arts.

  Joe and Delia fell in love with each other, and in a short time were married—for, when one loves one’s Art no service seems too hard.

  The couple began housekeeping in a flat. It was a lonely flat. And they were happy; for they had their Art and they had each other.

  Joe was painting in the class of the great Magister—you know his fame. His fees are high; his lessons are light—his high-lights have brought him fame. Delia was studying under Rosenstock—a very strict piano teacher.

  They were very happy as long as their money lasted. So is everybody. Their aims were very clear. They hoped their arts could bring them wealth and fame.

  But the best, in my opinion, was the home life in the little flat—the warm chats after the day’s study; the comfortable dinners and fresh, light breakfasts; the interchange of ambitions4; the mutual help and inspiration; and meat and cheese sandwiches at 11 p. m.

  But after a while Art flagged5. It sometimes does, even if nobody flags it. Everything going out and nothing coming in. Money was lacking to pay Mr. Magister and Rosenstock their prices. When one loves one’s Art no service seems too hard. So, Delia said she must give music lessons to make a living.

  For two or three days she went out hunting for pupils. One evening she came home happily.

  “Joe, dear,” she said, “I’ve a pupil. And, oh, the loveliest people! General—General Pinkney’s daughter—on Seventy-first Street. Such a splendid house, Joe—you ought to see the front door! Byzantine6. I think you would call it. And inside! Oh, Joe, I never saw anything like it before.

  “My pupil is his daughter Clementina. I dearly love her already. She’s a delicate thing—dresses always in white; and the sweetest, simplest manners! Only eighteen years old. I’m to give three lessons a week; and, just think, Joe! $5 a lesson. I don’t mind it a bit; for when I get two or three more pupils I can once again take up my lessons with Rosenstock. Now, smooth out that wrinkle between your brows7, dear, and let’s have a nice supper.”

  “That’s all right for you, Dele,” said Joe, opening a can of peas with a carving knife, “but how about me? Do you think I’m going to let you hurry for wages while I enjoy the taste of high art? No! I guess I can do something, and bring in a dollar or two.”

  Delia came and hung about his neck.

  “Joe, dear, you are silly. You must keep on at your studies. It is not as if I had left my music and gone to work at something else. While I teach I learn. I am always with my music. And we can live as happily as millionaires on $15 a week. You mustn’t think of leaving Mr. Magister.”

  “All right,” said Joe, reaching for the vegetable dish. “But I hate for you to be giving lessons. It isn’t Art. But you’re great and a dear to do it.”

  “When one loves one’s Art no service seems too hard,” said Delia.

  “Magister praised the sky in that sketch8 I made in the park,” said Joe. “And Tinkle gave me permission to hang two of them in his window. I may sell one if the right kind of a rich fellow sees them.”

  “I’m sure you will,” said Delia sweetly. “And now let’s be thankful for General Pinkney and this roast.”

  During all of the next week the couple had an early breakfast. Joe was excited about some sketches he was doing in Central Park, and Delia prepared breakfast for him, praised, and kissed at seven o’clock. It was most times seven o’clock when he returned in the evening.

  At the end of the week Delia, sweetly proud but tired, threw three five-dollar bills on the 8 by 10 (inches) centre table of the 8 by 10 (feet) flat room9.

  “Sometimes,” she said, “Clementina tires me. I’m afraid she doesn’t practise enough, and I have to tell her the same things so often. And then she always dresses entirely in white, and that does get monotonous10. But General Pinkney is the dearest old man! I wish you could know him, Joe. He comes in sometimes when I am with Clementina at the piano and stands there pulling his white beard. ‘And how are the semiquavers and the demi-semiquavers progressing11?’ he always asks.

  “I wish you could see the wainscoting in that drawing-room, Joe!”

  And then Joe, with the air of a Monte Cristo12, drew out a ten, a five, a two and a one—all legal notes13—and laid them beside Delia’s earnings.

  “Sold that water-colour to a man from Peoria,” he announced happily.

  “Don’t joke with me,” said Delia—“not from Peoria!”

  “All the way. I wish you could see him, Dele. Fat man with a woolen coat. He saw the sketch in Tinkle’s window and thought it was a windmill14 and bought it anyhow. He ordered another—an oil sketch of the Lackawanna freight depot15—to take back with him. Music lessons! Oh, I guess Art is still in it.”

  “I’m so glad you’ve kept on,” said Delia heartily. “You’re sure to win, dear. Thirty-three dollars! We never had so much to spend before. We’ll have a rich dinner to-night.”

  On the next Saturday evening Joe reached home first. He spread his $18 on the table and washed what seemed to be a great deal of dark paint from his hands.

  Half an hour later Delia arrived, her right hand tied up in a shapeless bundle of wraps and bandages16.

  “How is this?” asked Joe after the usual greetings.

  Delia laughed, but not very joyously.

  “Clementina,” she explained, “insisted upon a Welsh rabbit17 after her lesson. She is such a strange girl. Welsh rabbits at five in the afternoon. The General was there. You should have seen him run for the chafing dish18, Joe, just as if there wasn’t a servant in the house. I know Clementina isn’t in good health; she is so nervous. In serving the rabbit she spilled19 a great lot of it, boiling hot, over my hand and wrist. It hurt terribly, Joe. And the dear girl was so sorry! But General Pinkney!—Joe, that old man nearly went crazy. He rushed downstairs and sent somebody out to a drug store for some oil and things to bind it up with. It doesn’t hurt so much now.”

  “What’s this?” asked Joe, taking the hand softly and pulling at some white strands20 under the bandages.

  “It’s something soft,” said Delia, “that had oil on it. Oh, Joe, did you sell another sketch?” She had seen the money on the table.

  “Did I?” said Joe. “Just ask the man from Peoria. He got his sketch today, and he isn’t sure but he thinks he wants another parkscape and a view on the Hudson21. What time this afternoon did you burn your hand, Dele?”

  “Five o’clock, I think,” said Dele . “The iron—I mean the rabbit came off the fire about that time. You ought to have seen General Pinkney, Joe, when—”

  “Sit down here a moment, Dele,” said Joe. He drew her to the couch, sat down beside her and put his arm across her shoulders.

  “What have you been doing for the last two weeks, Dele?” he asked.

  She sat in silence for a moment or two with an eye full of love, and murmured a phrase or two of General Pinkney; but at last down went her head and out came the truth and tears.

  “I couldn’t get any pupils,” she said. “And I couldn’t bear to have you give up your lessons; and I got a place ironing shirts in that big Twenty-fourth Street laundry22. And I think I did very well to make up both General Pinkney and Clementina, don’t you, Joe? And when a girl in the laundry set down a hot iron on my hand this afternoon I was all the way home making up that story about the Welsh rabbit. You’re not angry, are you, Joe? And if I hadn’t got the work you mightn’t have sold your sketches to that man from Peoria.”

  “He wasn’t from Peoria,” said Joe slowly.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter where he was from. How clever you are, Joe—and—kiss me, Joe—and what made you ever think that I wasn’t giving music lessons to Clementina?”

  “I didn’t,” said Joe, “until to-night. And I wouldn’t have then, only I sent up this cotton waste and oil from the engine-room this afternoon for a girl upstairs who had her hand burned with an iron. I’ve been firing the engine in that laundry for the last two weeks.”

  “And then you didn’t—”

  “My purchaser23 from Peoria,” said Joe, “and General Pinkney are both creations24 of the same art—but you wouldn’t call it either painting or music.”

  And then they both laughed, and Joe began:

  “When one loves one’s Art no service seems—”

  But Delia stopped him with her hand on his lips. “No,” she said—“just ‘When one loves.’”

英文作文 篇8

  Have a New Year's eve dinner! The thirtieth of the twelfth lunar month is the traditional Chinese New Year dinner. I, my father, my mother, my grandmother, and my aunt, my family, were all together, listening to the firecrackers outside the window. Looking at the rich and colorful Spring Festival gala on TV, my mother served the first delicious food in the New Year's eve dinner. With mushrooms, shredded pork, carrots... There is a lot of seasoning in it, the rice cake is my favorite food, but the next simmered pigeon, lamb chops, stir-fried beef... A dish of food made me drool. In addition to these, the table had already been set up ten high bowls, chicken and duck fish... Melon seed nut... Cold dishes... They were delicious, and some dishes that were not named. This year and in previous years, there are some different, maybe it's because this year's eve is the mother cook's sake, we sat around a family full of laughter, good lively, eat well to be happy

英文作文 篇9

  In ancient times, people celebrated Qing Ming Jie with dancing, singing, picnics, and kite flying. Colored boiled eggs(原来古代中国的清明节和西方复活节一样有彩蛋……小编只能感叹历史惊人的相似了……) would be broken to symbolize the opening of life. In the capital, the Emperor would plant trees on the palace grounds to celebrate the renewing nature of spring. In the villages, young men and women would court each other.

  The Tomb Sweeping Day as Celebrated Today










