大学英语作文: 性别歧视 - 大学英语作文

时间:2024-03-03 07:55:12
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大学英语作文范文: 关于性别歧视 - 大学英语作文

  在现实生活或工作学习中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编整理的大学英语作文范文: 关于性别歧视 - 大学英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

  The date of March 8th reminds people of the importance of women, for they give birth to the children and the contribution they make to the family. Nowadays, more women have got the respect and certain rights. But gender discrimination still exists, for both men and women.


  For the discrimination on women, it is easy for people to notice this problem. In the last century, the word feminism was created and many women fought for the respect. Now most women have grown into the new generation, they are confident and independent. But in some aspects, women are still struggling for the equality with men. Such as the pay in job and the chances to work.


  For the discrimination on men, which is easily to be ingored. When people see a man who dresses the colorful clothes, or polishes his nails, they will laugh at him,for this is a girl thing and a man should not do it. Men are considered to be different from women in their acts. Actually, men have the right to do what they want, but the public opinion limits them.


  The discrimination on men and women should be removed, everyone has the right to pursue their happiness.


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